Tuesday, March 31, 2009

So………I’m finding it hard to write these blogs. It’s difficult to just throw stuff out there.

Well, moving half way across the country and not knowing a single person where you’re going is probably the most difficult thing I’ve ever done in my entire life. There are days when I feel so alone and I wonder when I’ll make friends that are like my friends back home(probably won't happen). It just totally throws you out of your comfort zone. I’ve always been the outgoing person that didn’t have to try to get invited out or be the one pushing to be friends with someone. It’s not like college where everyone is trying to make friends, everyone here already has their group and most of these people, aside from my roommates, are locals. I’m also learning a lot about myself. Good things and bad things. I’ve learned how independent and capable I am, and that I love throwing myself into uncomfortable and challenging situations to learn from them. Although, most of you know that considering the awkward situations I have consistently put myself into for the entertainment of it all. I have also learned that I have a lot of things to work on, in terms of personal growth. No need to go into detail here.

On Monday I got sworn in at the Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court as a CASA Advocate. There is going to be a bigger celebration at the end of May where you invite all of your family and friends but unfortunately none of you will be there. But I’m sure you will be in spirit!! I also got my first case, which, for obvious reasons, I can’t really talk about. I can tell you it’s a sibling duo of a 10 year old boy and a 7 year old girl, and I will be meeting them next week!! It is very strange that since moving here I have fallen in love with children. They really put a smile on my face!!! My neighbor is a 5 year old girl named Macy, and she is gorgeous. She tells me she is going to work at the pizza place I work at and we are gonna go to work together one day. How can you not love that?

I’m now back to substitute teaching and it’s getting a little easier. Every time I walk into a class I still get terrified that they will be an out of control class that will not listen to a word I’m saying. It also sucks because I become an evil, point deducting, writing bad reports to the teacher, kinda substitute. I told a third grader they were acting like a jerk the other day! Even the bad kids have personalities that you have to appreciate though. In fact, a lot of the bad ones that appear to have anger problems or something, seem to be the most intelligent. It’s like they're just mad they got stuck in a class with a bunch of idiots. Most of the kids are really sweet and wonderful, it just ends up that you have to pay more attention to the bad ones. Like the first month I was here I didn’t hug a single person. That may not seem that weird, but it sucks. Not a single hug for that long. Anyway, kids in a class I was substituting for were the first people to hug me in New Orleans, and that made my day. And some kids today kept telling me I looked like a model, and that also made my day.

Ahhh…..New Orleans is a ridiculous city. People make turns while driving really slowly, it drives me crazy. Everyone here is in denial of the racial separation, even though it is so obvious to me. Everyone really does say “alright” when you ask how they are. I have yet to buy food that wasn’t delicious. The roads are completely fucked up and are probably ruining my car. Even though this is supposed to be the city of drinking, I have yet to see anybody act as out of control as my friends back home. By home I mean Frederick, D.C., and of course Philly.

P.S. My sisters suck at sending me pics, so if anyone in Frederick wants to go see my nephew and take lots of pictures and is technologically capable of sending me these pics online that would be awesome!!!!

1 comment:

  1. lol sad. that you have no drinking friends. Yea you will be here in 2 months!!!
