Sunday, June 21, 2009


I suck at this. It’s been 3 weeks since my last blog.

I think this city might be the death of me. I’ve gone out drinking 3 times in the past week, which really isn’t that crazy, but the bars don’t close so each time I end up staying out till like 3 or 4 in the morning. If the bar won’t tell me to go home, why should I? I went out on Tuesday with my roommate Tony. He bought all my drinks as a late birthday present. Overall, a good night, except for losing the key to my bike lock. Then I went out on Thursday to a bar with no air conditioning! It was torture. I also went out last night. I started the night with a shot of Bacardi Gold at my house with my friend Melissa and then proceeded to chug gin and tonics all night at the bar. To make a long story short, I ended up crying on my front porch and talking to my mom at 4 in the morning. And this is why New Orleans might be the death of me.

Another reason might be if I get myself shot. I was walking to work the other day when I passed a parked car. Not realizing there were people in the car, I looked inside after hearing music playing. Apparently I looked a little too long, and three young boys were not too happy about it. They demanded to know what I was looking at and of course I answer, “I’m looking at you”. Terrible decision. It’s sad because I was really just trying to check them out, thought they might be cute. So my response provokes one of the boys to get out of the car asking if I want to fight. I continue walking and shaking my head. Another terrible decision was to continue walking down the same street. They pass me later on yelling profanities out the window. The funny part is I was eating a banana as they drove past.

There isn’t too much going on in the job search world. I do have an interview tomorrow morning for an assistant teaching job for this new program. It’s a group interview so there will be 2 others and then a panel of interviewers. I think this is a really dumb concept, mainly because the thought of it puts my anxiety at an all time high. Other than this I haven’t heard back from any other jobs and I haven’t really been applying anywhere. It’s almost as if I don’t care anymore. Its like, whatever, I’ll find something eventually but until then I’ll just do what I have to do. Not a great mentality, but it’s certainly where I’m finding myself.

Hmmm….New Orleans. Definitely where I want to be right now. Someone seriously needs to visit me ASAP. Then they can realize that this is where they want to be right now as well.

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